47th Annual Family Reunion & Descendants Website

- June Friday 28 th TO Sunday June 30 th,  2024..  At Pipestem State Park WVa

What would have been the 46th & 47th Reunion WAS  was cancelled because of COVID19 and several other concerns. So we just celebrated the 45th reunion..  UPDATES on this change can be found on the Family Reunion Group page on FACEBOOK.

Celebrating 24 years online

Always a good time together Family Group Photo
Greetings Family & Friends...I built the first Family Website back in 1999. Rebuilt 2010 on a NEW FLASH PLATFORM.
Thanks to our never before known Cousin ALBERT HALL, who found this website and reached out and contacted our Family.

Albert Hall is a direct DAVIS Descendant on the Davis/Williams/Hall limbs of our combined Family, and he has sent me many PHOTOS & TEXT Documents of OUR PAST ANCESTORS & still living DESCENDANTS,  that have filled in 215 yrs of  MAJOR HISTORICAL info that simply was NOT known by our Elders when the first Family History souvenir booklets were published for our 5th Reunion back in 1980.. Albert's added extensive documentation, along with more than 11 yrs of research done by April Kelley, Stephanie Rosario, Shirley Bennett and myself, has finally forced this long needed MAJOR UPDATE to this 17 yr. old website..I have ALREADY uploaded All Albert's OLD photos & TEXT documents to our website's server. The Davis/Williams/Hall Limb can be found on the GENEALOGY LINK above.. ALSO remember that April Kelley and Joseph Simms will have to ADD the NEW Davis/Williams/Hall limbs to the Family TREE...so bear with US, this stuff ain't simple or easy to do..LOL..                                                                                                                                                                             This website was first (feebly) developed and put online by me back in 1999, (DSL & high speed Cable modems did not EXIST), after the 25th. reunion. The purpuse then as now, was to create an enduring online Documentary to  celerbrate our combined Family Histories, and the 41 years of Family Reunions that have kept the Decendants of Henry Davis & Minnie Mae Hundley and Rucker Hundley faithful to God, and each other. for over 212 yrs...*UPDATED* 7/10/13..Dillie Davis (born 1801) believed to be the Mother of Sarah H.Davis (born 1831), (died ??), was the Mother of Clopton Davis (born 1852), Harriet Davis (born 1858), & *NOTE* Sallie H. Davis (born 18??) (died 19??) is LISTED as MOTHER of Mary Sue Davis on her 1899 Marriage Cert..Could Sarah H. have been the Mother of Sallie H. Davis ???..or are they the same person ???..Mary Sue Davis (born 1874..(died 5/20/1954)..Buried at Shihlo Babtist Church in Cascade, Va.  *NOTE* Harriet Davis/Brandon had 8 children..Click on Family History & Davis/Brandon History on the Genealogy link ABOVE for more in depth info.. *UPDATED* 7/10/13..Clopton Davis (born 1852) was elder brother OR 1st. Cousin of Harriett Davis. (born 1858). *NOTE* Ester Davis (born 1897) (died19??), is shown as Harriet Davis Neice,.. but by which sister??. .  Clopton Davis (died late 1930's early 1940's in Danville, Va.) CLOPTON Davis married Mary Emma Smith (born (1869..She married Clopton in 1892.. to this union were 6 children. George Davis (born 1893), Josh Davis (born (feb 1897) ), Polly Davis ( born mar.1895), Lillian Davis (born Dec. 1897-98).Mary Davis (born 1897 *NOTE* i believe this Mary to actually be Lillian. born the same 1897..but we will see.. .and Bertha Davis (born 1899). (died April 5 1994). in Danville, Va. while in the care of Haywood & June Smith of Reidsville VA/NC.?.  Lillian Davis never married as far as we know. Lillian (died 1980-1). at Stewart Smith's home while in their care... but had 2 known children. Willy(ie) Davis (born??) he may have died in Reidsville, NC..we are checking on that as i type this..& Catherine Davis believed to be still living in Washington DC..We now believe she has a Daughter named (Mary) Catherine ??.She is alive and known. Bertha Davis married Fred Henderson and lived in Beckley WVa. After Fred died she returned to Danville Va. where she (died April 5 1994).. They had 2 children..Wilbur or Wilbert & Lillian.. Lillian, Bertha's sister lived in Danville, Va &  Reidsville, NC.   Clopton's Sister Mary Sue Davis had 2 children Arthur Davis (born 1897) & Irene Davis (born 1894) BEFORE she married Thomas Williams the son of Thomas Sr. & Manda Williams..in (1899). *Special NOTE*..7/12/13 Mary Sue Davis's death Cert..Shows a Jim Milliner as her Father!..Mary Sue Davis/Williams (died 5/20/1954).in Danville, Va.   Irene Davis/Williams  married Plais Yarborough in 1913 and had 10 children..Arthur Davis/Williams married Rosa Easley in 1917 they had 5 children. One of those children was Mary L. Williams (born 1922). Mary married Maynard C.L.Hall of Blairs, VA. around 1942. and were the Mother & Father of ALBERT Hall (born 1944). Living in Holyoke/Springfield Mass..*NOTE* Albert has sent several photos including  photos of Mary Sue Davis/Williams, Arthur Davis & Irene Davis.. which can be viewed in the Davis/Williams/Hall section on the Davis History & the Genealogy links, under Williams/Hall page.. Mary Sue Davis & Thomas Williams Jr. had 5 children.Willie 1901, Kate 1903, Emmie 1905, Maggie 1907 and Francis 1907-1910..Harriett Davis Married George Brandon..Dec, 27 1899..*Major NOTE* Harriet Davis had 8 children. All are listed under Davis/Brandon History/Genealogy Links.. *Special NOTE* 7/12/13..of Harriet's  known 8 children, Floyd (Robert) Davis/Brandon (born May 1887). OR Jan.5 1888). We have his photo!.. was thought to be lost to history. However, his DEATH CERT. has been discovered, showing him living near Huntington, WVa. (coal fields)  in Wayne or Wayne County WVa. (Died Mar.30 1918). with his brother Henry Davis listed  as the ONLY NEXT of kin..We now know that Henry went to Huntington to claim Floyd and returned him probably to Coopers WVa. where Harriet Davis/Brandon is buried..All 8 of Harriet's children were born..BEFORE she married George Brandon..Under Va. law, any children born ABSENT a marriage, would retain the mothers last name..in this case DAVIS, EVEN if some of her children were in fact Fathered by George Brandon. We may NEVER know this info.. ALSO..there is NO RECORD of George Brandon EVER living in WVa. He is believed to have died before the 1910 WVa. census..For this online history..I'll defer to the Va. laws that existed at that time..Harriet Davis/Brandon  (died 1941 in Coopers), was the Mother of Henry Davis (born 1879), (died 1962 in Beckley), & Maude Davis Brandon/Holt (born 1883) (died January 29 1977 in Bluefield WVa). Maude Davis/Brandon married James C. Holt..(born 1876) *NOTE*  his Father or brother maybe  Robert Holt (born 1860's). Maude Davis/Brandon/Holt (born 1886 Died 1977) in Bramwell & James Holt (born 1886) (died 1946) in Bramwell..married around 1907-8.. Lucille Holt (born 1909 was the first of 7 children born to this union. Marie (Minerva)? Davis/ Brandon (born???) married Burchy Pearl Bennett..Shirley Bennett Chambers of Beckley WVa.was their Daughter..and is very much alive..Pearl Holt (born??) married Walter Canaday (born??) 2 children were born to this union..Dorothy Jean Canaday & Wilbur Canaday..are BOTH decesed..Dorothy Jean had 2 Daughters. Gretta and Alvetta..both are alive & known..Wilbert married Drucilla Day of Bramwell, WVa...Drucilla was the Daughter of Annie Bryson & Nelson Day..and they had 4 children Toi,  NOTE 7/12/13..the other 3 children ARE alive and KNOWN..and will be added soon. Lucille Holt-Woodruf (born 1909) (died 1994) in Bluefield, WVa. Mary Holt (born 1922) now 91 yrs old, is the Mother of William Dickerson (born 1944) of Newport News, Va. William has 3 Daughters..all alive.. Dorothy Holt (born??) (died 19??) in Bluefield, WVa. Married Mayo Bryson (died 19??)  the Parents of Andrew Bryson (born 1948) (alive) of Raliegh NC. Andrew has 2 Daughters..Robert Holt (died 19?? in Bluefield, WVa. any children..unknown..Willie Holt (born??) (died 19?? in Bluefield, WVa. Married ???(still alive)  and 2 children were born..Peggy & James C. Holt all living in Chicago..Grandville Hundley (born 1815. (died??). Father of  Bartlett Hundley, (born 1842)..(Died ???). who married Sallie ???, (born 18??)), (died??). , pending documents),..Were the Parents of  Mary Emma Hundley (Wells), (born 1867), (died 1935 in St Louis). Mary Emma Hundley was the Mother of Minnie Mae Hundley (born 1884),(died 1958 in Coopers), & Rucker Hundley, (born 1887), (died 1967 in Columbus). Rucker Hundley married KNOWN and Geraldine Hundley was his eldest child of 8 to come. Geraldine (still alive) married the late Joseph Simms..See Hundley/Simms Genealogy Link for all of Rucker's & Joseph Simms Descendents.

Now, the 4th, 5th, 6th 7th and 8th generations of  The Davis, Hundley, Wells, Walton, Holt, Goods, Brandon, Williams, Hall, Pannell, Heath, Sims, Ford, Smith, Bryson, Washington, Clay, Vernon, Bennett, Chambers, Canaday and Dickerson Family's will carry forth their Legacy.....On this day, April 2, 2010, I re-Submit  this website to the Internet.... So Let It Be Written.........So Shall It Be Done!

NEW Photos of our DAVIS-WILLIAMS-HALL Ancestors & Living Descendants submitted by our Cousin ALBERT HALL.

“I made some upgrades/additions in 2003, adding a chat room, message board, hit counter and self url linking, internal hyperlinks to different areas of the website to quickly get to areas of immediate interest, like the Family Photo Archives and a Genealogy search page, for interested Family members to do amateur research. The work thus far, has yielded known names & dates of our past Anscestors, dating back more than 250 yrs. Ago!....”

However, times change, and the leaps in digital technology and the interests & trends of our tech savy younger Family members, made the rebuilding of our Family Website a more daunting task.... There had to be the traditional look and layout of a Family website, balanced with a new relativeness for 2010 and beyond.....

When Family types ...DwightDavis.net.... into their browser, the Reunion Video will start...The 35th reunion video will replace it. The 30th reunion video will be put on a link...After which, the main website will load. This website was professionally developed to include the interactivity of FaceBook,You Tube, MySpace and Twitter loaded/linked directly on the website back to these popular APPs. including mobile. There are embedded VIDEO & AUDIO & Slide Show players for family to SELF LINK/upload their OWN creations for all of us to enjoy!...Just CLICK & PLAY!... Family can self link their OWN websites/photo slide shows to the main Family website... If you prefer to upload VIDEO to YouTube or Flicker, no problem, they will be accessible from the website, if YOU desire!

Click here to visit the Family Tree

Davis/ Hundley Family Reunion


Family Committee Members
Henry A. Walton, Chairman Emeritus

Zeborah Smith Davenger, Chairwoman

Joseph Sims, Co-Chairman

Judy Smith, Treasurer

Vera Buchanan, Secretary

Bertha Boyd, Sr. Advisor

Paul Washington, Parliamentarian

From the Chairman Emeritus

Family Planning Meeting
Directions to Colombus
Country Inn & Suites

FROM THE CHAIRMAN EMERITUS.......I will open by saying thanks..for 26 years of being your Chairman..This past Reunion WAS our 35th year, we should always strive for A REUNION TO REMEMBER..The Commitee laid out a weekend of activities that  for all who attended, was a true delight....This was the FIRST time in our history, that 99% of ALL Family members were there on Friday evening...for that's when the celebration began. The Dinner Dance on Saturday night was Semi-Formal Black & White...It was your choice!.. It was as your Junior-Senior Prom again, you would not want to be the only one not dressed for the occasion (smile)...I knew that it was  a added expense, but how many times does a FAMILY CELERBRATE A 35th REUNION...The older generation has brought us to the 35th..and the younger generation must take us to the 50th...As of the end of the 35th, I will be resigning as Chairman. Its time to pass the torch to a new Generation..We have entered the new era of Twitter, Text Messaging,FaceBook and Web Communications..Which means there is more interaction between family members than ever...I have passed the Chairmanship to Zeborah Smith Davenger, who is the daughter of Judy & Zev Smith and the grand daughter of Samuel Davis one of and last surving founders and supporters of the Henry & Minnie Hundley Davis Family Reunion..I will ask you to give Zeborah the same support that you have given me over the past 26 years...I am confident she will take the reunion to the 50th and beyond. Now let us get ready for the 36th Reunion by making your reservations TODAY! Before you read any further call 304-466-1800 and speak to Brenda in RESERVATIONS and RESERVE your room,.. Don't be LEFT out of the event of the summer. If for some reason cannot attend you can cancel your reservations within 48hrs of the reunion and receive a total refund..All they need is a valid credit card number and you are all set...PLEASE DO THAT NOW!.. For those who have lost loved ones in the past year and are still grieving, we share your grief. We have lost what I would say are some relatives and friends who have in their life times exemplified the meaning of family love and understanding. We must continue to set the example for those young family members who are seeking the unconditional love we received in our generation.

Remember Family, make it a point to discuss the importance of keeping families strong. The Family Reunion was organized to unite family members together in a joyous setting, rather than at some ones passing. We are always glad to be together and show support what ever the circumstance. But to have a Joyful celebration means a lot. In making plans for the New Year include the Family Reunion in your plans. As always it’s the last weekend in June. I need not mention this was our 35th year. Some events are milestones and this WAS one. Make plans to be there. It is important that you make reservations early. There are still rooms available at this time. Make them even if you are not sure at the present time that you will attend, make a reservation today, you can cancel within 48 hours of your arrival and receive a full refund.

FAMILY PASSINGS   Samuel H. (Sammy) Davis Jr. of Dayton, Ohio..Anthony DeWayne (Tony) Davis Sr. of Oakland, Calif.  Both in this early Spring 2013..Sylvester (Butch) Davis Jr.of Washington DC..Feb.3 2014

The Family Reunion Committee Meeting will be in Columbus Ohio, March or April 2016 Hotel arrangements, as customary, will be in the spring news letter, and on the UPDATE link on this WebSite.  All are invited to attend, we will be planning the 41st Reunion.

If you would like to serve on or be a part of a committee, please let us know.  You may contact anyone on the Committee! We need your Ideas!! Make our Reunion one to remember.

Have you joined Facebook?  If not you should do so.  There are lots of Family Members out there that you can reach and communicate with. To date, there ARE 103 Family members & Friends on our Family Links Directories, on the WebSite.... I did not realize how many came out of the wood work. Take a look for yourself.


Enclosed in the last newsletter were the room rates for the 2012 Reunion.  Please make your reservations early to avoid being left out.  As in the past if for some reason you cannot attend, you may cancel within 48hrs of you arrival time.  You will be given a full refund by Pipestem Resort State Park.

Pay Activity Fee in Advance

Family Members and Friends may pay part or all of your activity fees in advance.  You may make monthly or bi-monthly payments to Judy Smith  376 Ralph Street, Somerset, New Jersey  08873.  (732)246-4058.   The activity Fee is $70.00 per person ages 16 and over, $45.00 Ages 6 to 16.  If you will only be attending the Dinner Dance it will be $40.00 per person.  You may select the events you would like to attend..  The activity fee includes!  The Saturday Evening Dinner & Dance, Sunday Morning Breakfast and the Sunday Afternoon Family Picnic and Raffles.  The Dee-Jay Committee Sponsors the Friday Night Arrival Activities, which include a Cold Cut Buffet and Music by SGL. Productions.                        


The Video i shoot at EACH Reunion, will be posted shortly,on the website for all the Family to enjoy...

Family Tree & Genealogy

Family Tree or Genealogy information family members may have should be forwarded to April Kelly Hill 2205 West Providence Court Richmomd, Va 23236 Births, Deaths, Weddings & Etc.

Prayers for the Sick and Disabled  Shirley Bennett, Beckley WV. Sylvester Davis Jr. Washington DC, Nettie Goods,  Atlanta, Ga.

Final Journey

Thought for life

Broken Relationships;  God Said, “ If you are out of fellowship with a brother or sister, don’t come to me in prayer or bring offerings until you have mended the broken relationship (Matt. 5:23-24)  Whenever there is a broken or “killed “ relationship you can be sure God is not involved, some one else is triggering the destruct mechanism.   We should use the Family Reunion  to mend some Broken Relationships in our Families.

Again Wishing you all a Safe trip to the reunion

A Family Prayer

By Rev.Boyd N. Walton Jr.
Spiritual Advisor

Dear Family Members:......

A Father to the Fatherless, a defender of Widows is God in his Holy dweling. God sets the lonely in Families. Ps 68: 5,6a (NIV)

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. Let the redeemed of the Lord say this: those he redeemed from the hand of the foe, those he gathered from the land, from the east and the west, from north and south. Some wandered in desert wastelands finding no way to a city where they could settle. They were hungry and thirsty, and their lives ebbed away. Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress. He led them by a straight way to a city where they could settle. Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men, for he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things. Ps 107: 1-9, (NIV)

Our Father and Mother God, your grace and mercy has brought our ancestors and us safely through. We are living this moment because of you. We want to thank you and praise you too, your grace and mercy has brought us through.....You have blessed us and the cloud of witinesses beyoud the vale to gather for celebration of our corporate and individual family heritages for the 35th time. We thank you, as we remember that is was YOU that led us from our ancestral homelands.

Through many dangers, toils, and snares, we have already come in full knowledge that it was YOUR grace that brought us safely this far, and that same grace will lead us home. We simply ask your continued blessing and sustaining power for the living generations of decendents of the many Families represented here and those generations unborn who will carry the work so nobly began forward into your for us and them.

At this gathering we have been blessed with 152 years of our rich histories; and pray for the revelation of the earliest histories in existence for all of our Families...Lord God of host be with us yet, lest we forget that we are blessed with a goodly heritage and keep us reminded that the only hope that we have had and can have is in Christ Jesus, in whose forgiving and redeeming name we pray...

To God be the Glory, great things he has done, Amen.

How very good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity. Ps 133:1 (NIV)

Prayerfully yours,
Reverned Boyd N. Walton Jr.